Friday, October 29, 2004

Bad luck

Can't believe my luck, on my way home late last night, the whaler broke down in the middle of the ocean again!! Luckily this tme it wasn't raining and the sea is calm. But still, having to sit helplessly on a whaler in the middle of the ocean for half an hour and drifting further and further away from land is not something you would want happening to you at 1am in the morning!!

Anyway, I'll be taking the weekend off to visit another resort. :) Just a weekend getaway before I start another hectic week of month end closing...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Honey, I shrunk the kids!

Had to go to Male to visit the people at the bank, went home to change and guess what shocked me when I slipped into my jeans? My jeans had 'expanded', I can literally put a chicken inside!! No joke!! And I have to bring down two belt holes!! Koazz!! Have to change my wardrobe liao... :P

After the meetings, my boss and I went to the airport hotel to break our fast. I had chicken rice and laksa, the chicken rice was okay, but the laksa is nowhere near my favourite at Katong. :) Yum yum... drooling already... Oh, also dining at the airport hotel were the flight crew from SQ, got one quite pretty one even smiled at me leh... hehehe... just being cheeky lah, long time no see Singapore girl liao... :P

Haizz... can't wait to get home and eat Laksa at Katong!! Gonna eat for revenge!!


缘份誓必早尽。 - 雄霸

凡事笑三笑,烦恼皆可了。- 笑三笑

解心释神,莫然无魂 - 冰心决

若要问神,先自问心。 - 步惊云

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Time for Singapore girl to play 'little woman'

Read the above article with lots of amusement (and truth!) on the Straits Times interactive... :P

Some excerpts...

"'China girls are so pretty and have lower expectations,' said one. Added the other: 'Singapore girls are too demanding, they have a long list of expectations.'"

"I have been to Vietnam, and I love the place. The girls, true to form, are slim, tall and soft-spoken. Every word is punctuated with a smile, even when you are driving a hard bargain with them. Their speech is melodious, and they work hard without complaining, carrying loads of cloth and vegetables in the market stalls and food places. Simple, gentle and hardworking, it's hard not to fall in love with them."

"So too are Malaysian girls. Having friends who are dating these girls, I have observed that they are generally of the 'saccharine' variety. Neither loud nor argumentative, they pander to the boys' needs. Not as doormats, but as cheerful assistants, who see it as their obligation to help their men without expecting anything in return. Not that they are stupid - oh, no, the Malaysian girls I know are smart and hardworking, with careers of their own. But when it comes to matters of the heart, they play the docile, giggly girlfriend with as much aplomb as their Viet counterparts. Again, it's easy to see where their attraction lies."

"The Singapore girl debates and argues impassionedly. She wants to win at all costs and treats her love conquests like those fought in the office arena. She may be pretty, yes, smart, yes, but, oh, so demanding.

The Singapore girl, in short, is a challenge to love. Although she may, at the end of the day, be a supportive and faithful spouse, the barbs hiding her soft interior are daunting to the suitor.

She is materialistic, and loves being so. Shopping is a major hobby, and looking good is absolutely essential. The man is but another accessory, a helper, chauffeur, bag carrier."

Girls, any comments? :P

Why Japan Mcdonald's is selling better than Singapore?

Dejavu . . .

Ever had cases of dejavu where you feel that you've been to a certain place or doing a certain thing? Well, I had two in the last 24 hours... The first was last night when after I came out from showers and switched on my laptop and there and then I felt the scene was so familiar. As if I've dreamt about it or perhaps I was here in another dimension :o

The second was this morning, went diving and on the way back, we had a school of dolphins (at least 50!) swimming and flipping alongside our dhoni. Not the first time I see dolphins here but at a certain point when I was looking at them, I had the feeling of dejavu again :o

It's funny how these feelings came about, I've always wondered about life after death, things happening in another dimensions, the reality of dreams and the power of people to predict the future. I guess most of us have that power to do so, just that we do not know how... :)

The world we live in has got so much secrets and mysteries for us to uncover and discover...

Friday, October 22, 2004

Fasting - Day ??

Lost count how many days I've been fasting liao, just know that as of this morning I'm 'slimmer' by 4kg!! Better than any weight loss program man!!

Couldn't sleep last night, so went to the jetty to have some fresh air... and I was lucky enough to see a few spotted eagle rays gliding gracefully in the waters :)

After that went to the office (2am!) to surf the net and download mp3... :P


在我年少的时候 身边的人说不可以流泪
在我成熟了以后 对镜子说我不可以后悔
人在日日夜夜撑着面具睡 我心力交瘁

明明流泪的时候 却忘了眼睛怎样去流泪
明明后悔的时候 却忘了心里怎样去后悔
开始慢慢卸下防卫 慢慢后悔 慢慢流泪

男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪
做人何必 的那么狼狈

男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪
不如好好把握这个机会 痛哭一回

Thursday, October 21, 2004

If . . .

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too.
And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.

If a man could be two places at one time,
I'd be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away

Sunrise Kayak

All department heads have a once a month duty to take the guests on a sunrise kayaking...

This morning was my turn and there were 4 Japanese couples, this is what I dread most cos it's like chicken and duck, we don't understand what each other is saying. Somemore my Japanese not even half past six, only enough to mumble a few Japanese words, so usual lor, sign language :)

One thing good about Japanese guests is they will do whatever you say, you tell them to go left, they go left. :) Well, back to the sunrise kayaking, nothing really exciting today, the ocean was calm and it was a pleasure to kayak, 3 out of the 4 couples were first timers in kayaking and I would say they learn pretty fast.

The sunrise was beautiful as usual, the guests were thrilled to see the sun slowly rising from the horizon and slowly turning into a huge fireball... it's an absolutely wonderful sight to see the skies changing colours and feeling the warmth of the rising sun, a nice and refreshing start to a hectic day...


Phew! Finally finished reading 《倚天屠龙记》for the the third time :) I've got some thoughts but first, here's what the author 金庸 have to say about the main character - 张无忌:



My favourites of all 金庸's character is 萧峰 and 令狐冲。They are the 重情重义 type and righteous in their own way, trying to be more like them but I felt that I'm more like 张无忌 - 重情重义 but a little 忧柔寡断 at times。Talking about 重情重义, actually over the years, because of "男子与男子间的情义" I've gotten myself into trouble cos of the word '义'。 But as I grow older, I've grown to open my eyes wider and not blindly led by '义气'。 Nowadays, money talks, people no longer '讲义气' anymore! Sad but it's a fact and I've experienced it countless times :( Gone are the days where people will honour their words and walk the talk...

Still like 小马哥 in 英雄本色。。。

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Going home!

Booked my tickets for going back home liao!! Cos it's the busy season in November and air tickets are usually snapped up pretty quick, so it is better to book early. Will be touching down on the 12th morning, and coming back to paradise island on the 21st night.

Tried to get employee comp rooms at the other hotels and resorts but they all gave the same reply - not available :( Disappointed, so guess I'll spend my 'holidays' at home eating and playing with my nephews and niece.

Char kway teow, anyone?

Fasting - Day 4

Getting better now :) Can last the whole day without eating and drinking at all, only taking one meal a day now at 7pm during break fast time and the next time I eat anything is 24 hrs later at the next break fast. Don't know how I manage also, but somehow manage lor... But throughout the day, the body does feel a lttle lethargic and weak due to the lack of the intake of food, so have to keep myself on the move so that at least to keep the energy going...

Thursday, October 14, 2004


曲:周杰倫 词:徐若瑄

走過了很多地方, 我來到伊斯坦堡
就像是童話故事, 有教堂有城堡
每天忙碌地尋找, 到底什麼我想要
心血來潮起個大早, 怎麼我也睡不著
昨晚夢裡你來找, 我才


杵在伊斯坦堡 卻只想你和漢堡

Fasting - Day 1

Finished my quarterly reporting pack, completed budget package, done with inventory count... what a day! And to top that, I've not taken any food nor water for the day! Really becoming Superman liao... First day of fasting, actually quite shiong ah... I woke up at 7am in the morning and quickly made my way to the Cafe for breakfast, cos that meal is going to last me the whole day. Actually I am able to tahan the hunger pains and not taking any food the whole day but it is the lack of water that is the killer. Imagine at this hot place and you don't drink a drop of water the whole day... it's really a torture, my lips are really dry and beginning to crack liao... :( Reminds me of my jungle training days in Brunei... but Brunei wasn't so bad, at least there is the occassional stream water to drink, now there is water in the fridge but cannot drink. :(

Maahefun celebrations

Maahefun celebration marks the beginning of the ramadan, where the muslims in Maldives 'celebrate' the taking of their last meal before beginning the month-long fasting. It is a traditional celebration where everybody gathered to have their last meal before fasting and thereafter the staff began to throw any living thing that moves into the sea!! Kaozz, I was not spared, even though I was hiding in the office that time. A bunch of big and strong guys came into the office and literally dragged me and my boss from the office to the supply jetty and dunk us into the sea! Hehehe... luckily I was already prepared for this and already had my swimming trunks underneath, but my boss quite poor thing cos he can't swim :P

And since I'm already drenched, it became my turn to dunk people into the water and that was a lot of fun!! Nobody was spared, and I also had a hand in throwing the GM into the sea... :P

I think the Maahefun celebration initially was just gathering to eat and somehow it slowly evolved into throwing people into the sea... talk about traditions. Anyway, after the dunking, I went home, showered, and went back to the canteen and indulge in a cup of hot tea and a MAGNUM double chocolate ice-cream!! Yummy!!

And with this, it marks the beginning of my first taste of having to fast for one month... :)

Monday, October 11, 2004

Busy, busy, busy . . .

Been really busy for a while, no time to write and even lesser time for myself... been working for the past two nights with only 4 hours of rest. But at least I got a big chunk of my work done and will 'relax' a little for the next few days...

Feeling a little burn out actually, so it was kinda good that HP and her husband were here, at least I pulled myself away from my desk and take the time to go diving and enjoy dinners with them... They'll be leaving tonight...

Still haven't name my stars yet... :(

Sunday, October 03, 2004

6 months & counting . . .

Just realised I've been here for 6 months already, not too long, not too short also...
Still a lot for me to do to improve things here, slowly but surely...
And hopefully after 2 years, I can see a breakthrough in my career...

6 months & counting...

Friday, October 01, 2004

Bad (hair) day!

Damn!! Have a really bad day today!! Firstly, the banks here are so slow and the salaries of the staff did not get transferred on time even though I've submitted to the banks long before the deadline, now the whole island put the blame on me... What the f ***!! Although it's finally resolved but in the eyes of the staff and the GM, and my boss, I didn't do a good job.... Haizzz... so sad :( But that's life lah, you do ten good things, nobody remembers, one bad deed and you're condemned... sad :( (Afternote - 3rd Oct: I was told this is not the first time, so I felt a little better... ) Second thing - I've never got so pissed with anybody before, but there is this Italian 'ang moh' that really got me to my boiling point!! Maybe because I rarely gets angry, that's why I do not know how to show my anger.... don't know also but at that time, I kept my cool and did not flare up, but my mood's been really fiery today. Even the chio Japanese GRO also ask me, "Kok Whee-san, you not good mood today? Never smile, kei-o-tsu-ke-te neh."

Don't know why also, maybe I got so pissed and decided to take it out on my hair!! Went to the barber and told him no. 2 all around! No. 2 is the razor measurement, the smaller the no., the shorter the hair, 1 is the smallest no. So now my hair is even shorter than when I was enlisted into the army.... back to the days of 'cao recruit'. Actually I look more like a shaolin monk now... almost bald!! 善哉,善哉 。。。

I've taken a picture of myself and hide it somewhere in webshots.... of course must take picture lah, first time almost bald leh, feels very funny.... anyway, those interested can take a look. But hold on to your seat, don't fall off laughing!!

Let's hope I'll have a better tomorrow :(