Thursday, April 05, 2012

Ipod shuffle - dead again!!

Yes... I killed 2 ipod shuffles in 5 months!! All due to sweat problems... I taped the first one, but I may not have done a good job and it died on me during the Stanchart Marathon. The second I had it wrapped using Gmask, it lasted for a while but alas, it still died on me at the end of the 2XU run. Conclusion - despite what Apple said, the Ipod shuffle is just not the 'clip-on and work-out to music' MP3 player.

But I neeed music to run.... and I like the size of the Ipod, and the functions of itunes.... so I splurged on the waterproof Ipod shuffle!! The price is about the same as 3 Ipod shuffles, but I figured if the Ipod doesn't last through the workout, there is really no point getting the same thing and ending up with the same result.

So now I'm waiting patiently for the waterproof Ipod shuffle to arrive.....


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