Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's official - My wife is leaving....

... the company.

Why? After much discussion, calculations, hesitation and unwillingness, we decided it is best that she return to Singapore to take up the new job offer. The work here is just too much and too crazy for anyone to handle and remain sane. It's a tough decision, but for now and the foreseeable near future, it's the best option for both of us especially for Cheryl. She gets a 5-day work-week, closer to mum, start to look after our lovely apartment, gets to go to church, do her pilates regularly, have tea with her friends and no more rude cantonese speaking taxi drivers to irritate her.

How? Webcams will be our new best friends, and Skype will be the avenue of communication in the coming months. I'll become a frequent flyer on Jetstar, travelling back home every other weekend to stay in touch, to go swimming and dinner with her.

Costs? Well, it will cost us of course. Flight tickets, losing the rental income, maintaining 2 households.... but I think it's worth it as she will be happier (at least at work), and guess what, I actually get to see more of her and spend quality time even though it is only on every other weekend.

Worth it? Although I don't get to work with Cheryl in the same palce anymore, but yes, it will be worth it. My only 'want' is for my wife to be happy, at the moment, she is not happy in Macau... so as a responsible and loving husband, I have to do whatever I can to make things work.

Will I be back to Singapore? Singapore is my home, so eventually I will be back, but not now. Now is still the time to spread my wings and fly higher... If working conditions permit, of course I'll take my lovely wife along... :)


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