Monday, March 09, 2009

Great announcements past 2 weeks

As far as I'm concerned, I've been very pleased with gadgets announcements in the past 2 weeks. Well, first it was the Olympus E-620 being announced, and then it was Apple's Mac Mini being updated. These 2 are my favourite gadgets (and most men) right now - Camera and Computer.

I would say that both are the 'under-dogs' in their own respective areas - Olympus have always produce innovative products and have a loyal following but they are never going to be able to compete with the big time camera makers like Canon or Nikon. The same goes to Apple, they have a great product in the Mac OSX and extremely cool looking product design, but Mac users are just out-numbered by the sheer number of Windows users out there.

Constant improvement to the product lines are signs of the manufacturer's commitment to maintain and update their products. Good news for us, and definitely good news for these trying(bad) times.


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