Wednesday, March 02, 2005

March-ing On

"I love you, I love you even when you're sick and you look disgusting."

That's a line taken from the movie 'Love Actually'. I was watching it on TV and realised... hmm... our Singapore version (even the R(A) version) censored A LOT!! Especially the scenes with the two porn stars... kekeke... :P Anyway, it's a nice movie, Love actually is all around :)

Well, into March 2005 and one month in Riyadh already, just as I was slowly settling in and getting used to the boring life here, things change. One phone call and a few emails today, and the next thing I know - I'll be on my way to Langkawi!! The resort in Langkawi is opening very soon and they needed help, so off I go to help them for a few months. It was really a decision made at short notice and I'll be flying to Langkawi next week.

Well, not that I like it in Riyadh and do not want to leave, but I'm just a little 'buay song' cos I was not given any choice. :( Well, maybe that's life, I'll just look at it as an opportunity for me to learn something new.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get."


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