Thursday, February 03, 2005

Riyadh - Day 2 : Lost in the hotel

Day 2 was an interesting day. My job here is to call up companies for payments, something like a debt collector and Credit Manager job. I was on the phone when the FC asked me for lunch, I signalled for them to go ahead and I'll join them later. BIG MISTAKE!! I think I took a wrong turn on my way to the staff cafeteria and end up in some place where I don't even know!! And worst, at times like this, when you want to find someone to ask for directions, there's always no one around... :( Eventually, after a while I managed to land in the cafeteria but by then, they had already finished their lunch. They asked what took me so long, of course I'm not so 'dum dum' tell them I was lost, must save some 'face' mah... I told them I was held up on the phone... Haha... on the way back I took extra note of the turns and I'm confident of finding the cafeteria the next time round... :)

I went to the SPA in the evening, I wore my shorts there but was told by the SPA Manager that I should wear my long pants as it is not appropriate to expose body parts in public places :( Hmmm... what a country??!! Anyway, I went on to have a nice dip in the hot pool, steam bath and sauna, nothing beats a relaxing dip in a hot pool after a day's work. Wanted to go on for a massage but then it struck me that it'll probably be a male massue, so I drop the idea. Cannot imagine another man kneading and threading, touching and squeezing all over my body... Eeeeks!! Hahaha.. :P


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