Monday, February 21, 2005

Life of Pi

That's the title of the book I'm currently reading now. About 2/3 into the book already, so I thought I might pen some thoughts and comments before I forget.

The book is the story about an Indian boy by the name Piscine Molitar Patel. He lived in a small town in India known as Pondicherry. The first part of the book describes his life, his family and the zoo that his father runs. There was also an interesting chapter on how he got his name, he was actually named after a swimming pool in France! And because people had difficulty pronouncing his first name, they always end up calling him 'Pissing' which 'pissed' him off. But through his wits, he managed to get a way to have people pronouncing his name properly. How? Read the book lor... if I tell you then no fun liao. :P

The first part of the story also tells you Pi's encounter and his practice of 3 religions - Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. I was wondering how come the author did not include Buddhism, that will make Pi's life even more interesting... :)

The heart of the story begins when the family had to crossed the Pacific Ocean to migrate to Canada due to the political situation. Unfortunately, the ship sank, and our little hero was stuck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with Richard Parker. Who's Richard Parker? Hehehe.... don't tell you... :P


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