Saturday, February 12, 2005

City Tour plus Desert Tour

My off day today so arranged for a desert tour, unfortunately due to a sand storm, I couldn't get to experience the desert in full, so in the end just did a city tour.

The road leading towards the desert was quite interesting, saw lots of camels and the guide told me that the road that we were travelling on was built by cutting through a mountain. Only took one or two pictures of the desert and we had to back off due to the sandstorm. My guide for the day then brought me to 'The Old Kingdom' where the ruins were left untouched after the Turkish attacks in the 'don't know how many centuries' ago. The place is preserved in it's ruined forms. Unfortunately being a Friday, it is not open to visitors so I can only take pictures from the outside.

We also went round the city, and the guide brought me to the 'poorer district' of Riyadh. And to me, the place looks just like any other Asian city, with shops lined up along narrow streets, very different from the Riyadh city with all the posh shops and wide roads, reminds me a lot of JB and KL. The meaning of 'poorer district', it means the people here owns only one car (usually Japanese car) and live in houses with less than 7 rooms. That is poor (??)

Next we went to visit the palaces. :) Not sure why they called them palaces, they're actually the residences of the many Prince and Princesses in Saudi. The guide told me that on the average, each Prince or Princess have at least a few Palaces in each of the major city in Saudi. The Palaces occupies a huge area, has got all the modern facilities and at least 10 to 20 rooms in each of them....

Can't take pictures of the palaces due to security reasons, but whatever I can take can be found at the following website (have to sign up for a new free account cos use up the quota for the other one)

You can see how strong the wind is, have to cover my mouth, otherwise I'll be having 'sand'wich for lunch :P

Couldn't stay very long due to the sandstorm, only about one minute and we have to get back into the car liao... so disappointed :(


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