Tuesday, February 15, 2005

2 weeks and counting...

The 7th day of the Chinese New Year is called the 人日。Today is the 7th day and it's everybody's birthday!! So Happy Birthday to YOU!! :)

2 weeks in the Middle East liao, and guess what - I haven't shave!! Previously in Singapore, the hotel grooming standards requires male employees to be clean-shaven, but here, the law actually encourages the keeping of facial hair and the hotel is not enforcing the 'clean-shaven' standard on it's employees, so.... Haha... always wanted to see how I look like with some facial hair... Eh? Who is that macho guy in the mirror hah? Hahaha.. :P (hey, don't throw eggs at me leh!)

Anyway, will shave soon lah cos not used to it and actually quite uncomfortable also :( Don't want to scare my mum going home looking like Osama :P


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