Wednesday, February 09, 2005

1001 Arabian Nights

Does anyone know how it all began? No? Okay, let me tell you a story....

Long before I was born, there was this Arabian King by the name of King Shahryar, after discovering his wife's infidelity and killing her for it, begins marrying a woman every night and killing her the next morning (machiam the species of spider called Black Widow like that, but this one is male, so have to call Black Widower). But one gal by the name Scheherazade, thought of a way to save her own life... She would tell the King wonderful tales of magical transformation, genies and wishes, flying carpets and fantastical journeys, terror and passion to entertain the King. Every morning the King decides to let her live one day longer so as to keep hearing the tales she tells. And this went on for 1001 nights... not sure what happens after that liao... maybe she ran out of stories to tell and the King kills her eventually, or maybe the King is finally convinced of her fidelity and kept her alive.

Well, whatever happend after that, most importantly, fascinating tales of Aladdin and the magic lamp, Sinbad the sailor, Ali Baba and the forty thieves and many other tales of Heroes, Genies, legends and myths were thus born... And we have the pleasure of reading about them this modern day :)


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