Saturday, January 01, 2005

Looking forward - 2005

Much had been said and done about the closing of 2004 with a Tsunami. Just the day before we were having our Christmas parties and the next day, we have to deal with the loss of our homes and for some - their loved ones. What a stark contrast! This event changes the lifes of a lot of people and certainly the way we will act and behave in future...

I've lost a lot of my personal things during the flooding but it's nothing compared to the locals who have lost their homes. Though people said that it's fortunate to be alive but to deal with the aftermath requires even greater strength and courage. As I helped the local people deal with the losses, it's depressing when you walk around and see the people coping with whatever they have left, I've to hold back my tears many times... But as I was taking my shower earlier, I think I've finally let the tears flow........

This is my first post for the new year... and I certainly am looking forward to a better 2005.


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