Friday, January 21, 2005

Final night on Kuda Huraa

Tonight is my final night on Kuda Huraa before I return to Singapore and then onwards to the 'forbidden land' of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia :P Was playing another round of pool with my colleagues and they told me they have a farewell gift for me.. guess what, they wanted to give me a packet of grass!! Say to feed the camels or to give to the camels as tips... NB!! Koazz!! Never die before!! But it will be quite fun to ride on a camel's back when I go to Riyadh :) And I do have plans to visit the desert and Dubai while I'm in the Middle East though.. :)

During my teenage days, I worked in Bedok KFC while waiting to go into the Polytechnic, one of the restaurant managers once said to me,"As a man, you must try everything." These words still ring around my ears til today, and true enough I've tried everything (good and bad) that came into the path of my life. But still there are lots of things I've not tried nor done - riding a camel is one :)

Right now, the future is still uncertain for me... which is something I have to live with... even the chinese horoscopes and zodiac predictions for 2005 for me speaks about the uncertainties in my career path... :( But nonetheless, I'm keeping the spirits high and taking the challenges as they come along. Having had a close shave with death during the Tsunami (actually not that serious lah, but I just want to exagerate a little), staying alive is such a blessing and having seen the islanders lost their homes, I can say that I am a lot more fortunate than them, so having an uncertainty in my career path is nothing compared to their uncertainty in life.

So, when will I be back to Kuda Huraa? Not sure really. Maybe I like it so much in Riyadh that I decided to stay, convert and get myself 4 (or more) wives... kekeke.. Heard that although they are under that 'ninja suit', most Arabic women are actually very fair and pretty leh.. :P Only disadvantage is that if I convert, then I cannot eat bak chor mee already...

Haha... talk nonsense again... anyway, just have to take things in my stride and see how things develop... I'm beginning to like what Forest Gump's mum said - Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get.

Signing off on my last night on Kuda Huraa... the last paradise on earth.


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